Big Changes on the Horizon!

Let’s start with the following disclaimer:

Everything I’m doing is under a doctor’s supervision. I do not recommend starting any diet change or major health change without consulting your physician first.

Now that that’s out of the way, here we go…

I am making some major changes to my own diet and health, and those changes include trying to pursue having the surgery for the gastric sleeve. I’ve started the process, which includes weight loss classes and a psychological evaluation (among other things), but we haven’t scheduled a surgery date just yet. I have to do well in all of the pre-op stuff first.

One of the main things they have me doing is restricting my caloric intake to acclimate my body to what I’m going to be taking in after the surgery — around 1200 calories a day with 70-90g of protein. I haven’t quite managed to get the protein numbers up that high yet, but I’m working on it! So far I’ve been on the 1,200 calories for 2 days, and I haven’t noticed much difference in my feelings of fullness or hunger, but then my metabolism is all sorts of messed up so I usually don’t “feel” hungry or full anyway lol!

What I *have* noticed is that, with just a couple of small adjustments to the kitchen, we are able to make amazing dishes, like the one pictured below. Rice, Brussel’s sprouts, and *baked* tofu! It was delicious, and with only 1/3 cup of cooked rice, it turned out fantastic on my caloric needs.

Tofu has become my new best friend. Honestly, I would eat it 3 meals a day if I could. It’s glorious. It’s protein heavy, and it can be seasoned into just about ANYTHING. Or just eaten raw — I’m not picky and I love the taste.

I am excited and nervous about this journey. I have already lost 3 lbs from where I started (hooray for water weight, right?), and I’m looking forward to seeing some real, actual results in the coming weeks. 🙂